
Author:     Date Posted:01 Feb 2024

what is polyurethane or urethane?

polyurethane (also named urehtanePU or PUR), is a polymer resin, which is composed of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane) links. polyurethane can be easily made into different forms such as: electrical potting compounds, high-resilience foam seating, roller coaster, escalator, seals and gaskets, automotive, suspension bushings, insulation panels, microcellular foam durable elastomeric wheels and hard plastic parts.

Polyurethanes are so widely used that we can meet it every day in one form or another, in our office, at home or in cars, for leisure activities, sport and on holiday. Polyurethane(urethane) has the strength of plastic and the elasticity of rubber. It is a very flexable and versatile material that offers more possibilities than rubber or other plastics.

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you will encounter it in many different shapes,because the material is so versatile. Polyurethane is a kind of plastic material, which exists in various forms. It can be custom made to be either rigid or flexible, and is the material of choice for a wide range of user applications such as:

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car parts

isulation of refrigerators and freezers

cushioning for furniture

building insulation

rollers and tyres





composite wood panels

shoe soles

Polyurethane products are sold in the form of sheet, rod, pipe and customized iregular shape part.






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